Friday, August 8, 2014

One persons trash is my prop...

I love doing my bit for the planet recycling not using CFC's eating organic......

Blah blah blah

Not convinced?

Neither am I.....

Honestly through necessity I discovered a use for the plastic containers and bottles.

Yes I drink alot of club soda

And Crystal Light which the containers make great panels for my gauntlet.

And the bottle caps make for great mechanisms. 

And I actually did a panel at GearCon in Portland by myself no less

Steampunk Out of the Everyday

Listening to the attendees I even learned a few things and they took a few things from me.   I love interactive panels cause I hate to do all the talking (introvert much?) 

Portland, OR ROCKS btw

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me?

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

I'm one year older hopefully wiser......

Why can't I get younger?

Ok enough whining  *blowing out the candles*

I enjoyed the free lunch and dinner, got pampered and have been counting down to DragonCon and decided to work on that armpiece that was supposed to be done by now....yeah procrastintion

Rapping with fellow builders, I have been encouraged to try new materials amazing when I thought about it what one can do with plastic bottle caps, plumbers tubing, and recycled plastic panels.  Well I drink alot of sparkling water.   The tubing make great lines next goals is to somehow get them to light up (maybe on my next armpiece)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Taking on bigger projects

Ah March doth passed and April is underway

I thought that April showers were supposed to bring May flowers. But lately all its been bringing is this crazy weather and the pollen and those flat bugs that are annoying as hell and give off a woodsy aroma when you kill them.

Okay enough of that onto the important stuff

Working on bigger projects get ready for the peak on Con-season my most recent is is a belt. Until recently my props have had the appearance of functionality. Now after a panel at AnachroCon on arduino's and lighting I'm working on having actual functionality. Despite the fact I'm no electrician, or engineer I discovered through my new friends (who I cant stop bothering on FB and Google chat...sorry guys) that I dont have to be and when I programed my arduino mini

I felt so cool so I decided to go bigger of course and so for 2014, I'm going to be more mechanized than I ever been. And that's when idea for the belt/corset-like mechanism

and it lights up

Of course it's not going to look like this and after photographing I added more
before I decided it was time to go to bed and probably will do more after I write this blog.

Yes I know you hate being held in suspense but more pics to come....

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Starving Artist? Cool right?

When the word starving artist is said, one brings to mind


"Free spirit"

or even this

If only it
That would be easier wouldn't it

Lately its been a little bit of this

And generous portion of this

No one said following your passion would be easy though. Since I've made the leap of what I love into a enterprising venture, I have had my bumps.
Like those days I always seem to need something
"Got the craft foam, but I need glue"
"Got the glue but I need acrylic paint"
"Yeah I have this deadline on my armor project and I still don't have the materials but this bill really needs to get paid"
"I need more days off from my nine to five to finish this"

Sound familiar or is it just me?

The other challenge from getting the supplies one needs is getting the resources for obtain the supplies one needs. I learned somewhat the hard way that turning your passion into a profit/what you do as a career is a job in itself especially when you're juggling your secret identity(a.k.a full time day job) in the process.
And try taking your venture to a bank or investor to get backing

Yeah right

Whats it all for? One might ask themselves.
Am I glutton for punishment? Nope I get enough of that at the day job
Do I like the daily struggle? Sure it builds character, but every now and then I want a break

Because I love it seems so generic but I know of no other way to explain here's the long eloquent version:

My relaxation outside of gaming and a good book is at my workdesk with the smell of hot glue and acrylic paint my exacto knife in hand cutting and shaping and fitting together. I love that surge of pride that comes with the finished product as I'm taking pictures and the compliments of others when they see my work.
Call me silly but I lived for every one of those
"Wow that's really cool"
"I like how you work with that material!"
"That's so badass!"
"Wow do you do commissions? Can you make me one?"
"I love it!"

So solving the quandry of indulging the passion I love so much with surviving the day to does one make it work?
Well apparently someone with a similar plight decided to invent crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo with none of the cynicism of Shark Tank but everyday
people who look at your campaign and pledge money
So I decided why not

My Indiegogo campaign
Indiegogo Prop Campaign


My Kickstarter campaign
Kickstarter Prop Expansion Campaign

Onward ho?
My journey continues....

Sunday, February 16, 2014

My first a panelist!

AnachroCon 2014!

My first con of the season!

I was looking forward to this convention with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.
Everybody assured me I would do fine including my father who called the night before with a pep talk and sharing his experience in giving speeches I was still a nervous wreck

Don't laugh

While I rushed through the prep, packing all my props and outfits, setting out food and entertainment for the cat during my absence

Didnt really notice that I had left

While I was in transit and getting my hair fixed thought raged in my mind

"What do I say?" "What to do?"

"People watching me I feel like I'm back in high school forensics"

Yes silly I know....

So I arrived on the scene at Holiday Inn and got a glimpse of the amazing costumes

And gadgets

and got more nervous

So I decided to take tea time in the parlor. And even the delicious nibbles and robust peach tea did nothing to soothe my nerves
"I might be sitting on a panel with some of these people...How do I even measure up?"

Well the staff and my fellow panelists put my fears to rest. Even praising my work which was unexpected. I met the leader of the Meetup group I'm associated with. We had met briefly hi and bye at DragonCon parade but after getting to know him, we became fast friends.

He along with my fellow panelists boosted my confidence and reassured me. The audience warmed to me and I even gained more fans. Though only two panels, this experience is making think I can do this. And I'm ready for more!

Friday, February 7, 2014

It has begun!

Con Season!

Yep Con Season that period of time beginning in February (late January for some) stretching throughout the year peaking May - September where geeks, gamers, fans and cosplayers  wake from hibernation, stretch, and start that rush to the fabric stores and hobby shops or put those finishing touches on costumes they've been working on since end of last Con season.  Where we start marking on calendars our respective conventions of choice so we can plan our lives and day jobs accordingly.

Sound like you?

Well I know that's me. Especially now.  
I've coined a new phrase : 
Project Lockdown  
 Where I literally lock myself in my house to work on my costuming projects from Friday to Sunday evening with breaks in between for all necessary functions including rest. 
Taking this a bit seriously aren't I?

This is what my weekends have consisted of, that and going to the store for more materials- I call those supply runs. 
Trips to get something to eat are called food runs....

Yeah I know silly?

So here is pretty much a rough list of the cons on my dance card. 
AnachroCon   14 Feb 14 
ConTemporal   27 Jun 14
MomoCon       23 May 14
DragonCon       28 Aug 14
AWA Atlanta    28 Sept 14 

I'm either going to be adding or subtracting from this as the year wears on some more definite than others but 
for now I got my hands full trying to plan for these.  

Start your engines!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Journey So Far

In the beginning there was a woman....
A everyday Jane who worked, slept, paid bills, worried about her health, her family, the state of the world, yada yada.

Yeah, typical right?

Ok maybe that wasnt the best way for an introduction.

Once upon a time there was a woman.....

Meh...that don't work either

Alright third times a charm....

Who am I?
If you look at me, I'm just like the next gal....well sort of
Single no kids working at a nine to five.
Oh yeah well I forgot to mention my cat, my swords, figurines, video games, anime, manga, and books. And the fact that I'm in my late thirties.
Neat huh?

Ok I wont bore you with the whole story here are the cliff notes
Been a fan of sci-fi fantasy and the surreal since I was old enough to sit up. Parents were fans of Star Trek and both encouraged me at an early age to read.

The first sci-fi book I read was Frank Herbert's Dune.

Got into anime at sixteen the first one I saw was Akira

Attended first convention in 2001 DragonCon in Atlanta...(Ooooh grown-up people like me and they're dressed like stormtroopers, Jedi, superheroes, elves, fairies, goths, Federation, Klingons etc. what could be better?)
Oh yeah the work that went into the costumes: The ingenuity, creativeness, and dedication. Its not unheard of for someone to spend six months to a year making their masterpiece. So several years and conventions later I decided to leap and created tada!

My first eyepiece

It was like Lays, I made one I had to make another

Then I got more bold and started branching out to other accessories

Several years and cons later I'm close to perfecting my technique.

So there you have it or at least the Cliff notes.

Yeah I suck at my own biography

Stay tuned!